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At Global Healthcare Group, we are committed to providing exceptional in-home care services that focus on the well-being and satisfaction of our clients. Our values are the core of our approach, helping to guide us in delivering personalized care, creating independence, and promoting a sense of belonging within the community.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy and Confidentiality

We prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of our clients. As trusted in-home care providers, we respect the sensitive nature of personal information and medical records. We strictly adhere to legal and ethical obligations to safeguard our clients’ privacy and maintain confidentiality at all times.



We believe in the power of compassion. Our dedicated team of personal care professionals and community nursing experts approach their work with empathy and understanding. We always ensure to create a caring and supportive environment so that our clients feel valued, respected, and cherished.



Safety is important in everything we do. We create a safe & secure environment for our clients by implementing necessary precautions and protocols. Our commitment to safety extends to minimizing risks, preventing accidents, and promoting overall well-being.



Integrity is at the heart of our business. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards, always ensuring transparency, honesty, and trust with our clients and their families. We are committed to being reliable, accountable, and responsible in all our interactions with you and your loved ones, ensuring that our clients feel confident in the care they receive.



Flexibility is fundamental to our service. We adapt to the changing needs and preferences of our clients, ensuring that our care plans remain personalized and effective. We embrace feedback and continuously improve our services, staying responsive to the evolving requirements of those we serve.



Respect is something we pride ourselves on. We honour the preferences, backgrounds, and beliefs of our clients. By recognizing and embracing their individuality, we secure a sense of dignity and autonomy. As home support providers in NZ, we always go the extra mile to make sure our clients’ choices and cultural values are respected at all times.



Collaboration is the key to holistic care. We actively engage with our clients, their whanau, and other healthcare professionals to create comprehensive care plans. By working together, we foster a collaborative approach that addresses our clients’ physical, emotional, and social needs. We understand that true success is achieved through teamwork.

Person-Centred Care

Person-Centered Care

At Global Healthcare Group, we want to enable good lives. We know that every individual has particular needs, preferences, and ambitions. Our person-centered approach helps to make sure that all our services are structured to meet each client’s needs. We want to make a positive impact on their lives and as such we always have their well-being and independence in mind.



Gaining trust requires professionalism and this is something we always strive for. As a leading provider of home care services in Christchurch, we prioritize clear communication, punctuality, and professionalism in our approach. Our trusted & dedicated team of professionals always upholds the highest standards. They go through regular training to update their skills so we can ensure to provide the highest level of service.

At Global Healthcare Group, our values drive our mission to provide exceptional in-home care services. We are dedicated to enhancing the lives of our clients through compassion, respect, integrity, and professionalism. Contact us today to discover how we can support you or your loved ones with our comprehensive range of home care services.

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